
We consider it a privilege to help those in need. We have seen so many lives restored here at Hope House. Women have literally been rescued from the streets.  When everything else has failed, ladies come from all over Texas, as well as other states, seeking recovery and hope for life after addiction.

Hope House began in December 2013 as a men's transition program. Our Director, Billy Helm, opened a home in Bastrop, Texas (just East of Austin) in order to assist men in their lives after recovery.  The following April, a second home opened next to the first, and Billy felt the Lord lead him to start a recovery and transitional program for women who are in need of drug and alcohol recovery, or who have completed their stay in a recovery program and who are ready to face the world once again. Our first women's home opened on April 4, 2014. In October 2014, all of our men residents moved on, and we reopened the second home to accommodate for more women and became a women's-only program. Since then, we have been able to take in women and young ladies who are seeking a place of refuge and hope away from their broken and scarred pasts.

About The Program
Our program is a one year recovery program for female addicts of drugs, medications, and alcohol.  All of our residents are working toward the stability that is needed to step back into today’s society.


Our women spend their days in classes designed to help them through the recovery process, Bible studies, mentor guidance from respected Godly women and men in the community, working as part of our vocational training at our thrift store (Redeemed Treasure), trips to the park, fishing, kayaking, or other outdoor activities, volunteering in the community, and many more events and activities.


We encourage and aid our residents in obtaining a driver's license, high school diploma and/or GED for those who don't have one, or even community college courses for those seeking to continue their education.  After the initial nine months of the program, residents have the opportunity to search for jobs, and many of our residents who have been able to join the workforce are beginning to save money for their families and futures.
Billy Helm, Hope House Director
Billy Helm, Hope House Director


Hope House has been a blessing to my family and me! You accepted my daughter and taught her how important life really is. You took her away from the evil destructive road she was on and showed her the love of God. You saved her life but more importantly her soul. Through your love, you have made to many great changes to mention. So thank you God for Hope House and the person my daughter has become. Continue to do the Lords work for there are so many that need help. Life is not forever but His love is; and that is the greatest gift of all! God bless you!  

Tereasa H – Tennessee


Thank you for making my mom better. I have missed her very, very much. Thanks to you I am going to get to spend every day with her and can’t wait to see her.

Elias - age 8


Hope House was an answer to prayer for my daughter. I could say so much about how being a part of the Hope House family helped her and our familyJ. It saved and changed her life! Aside from learning how to live life without drugs, she grew strong in the Word and learned how to walk with Jesus every day relying on Him for her next breath and every need. She also experienced the depth of the Fathers grace, love and forgiveness purposed just for her. Hope House is a family that gathered around her just as she was. Joel 2:25 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten”

T Daily – Elgin Texas


Hope House not only gave my mom another chance at a real life, you helped her in a real relationship with God. I now have a strong, beautiful, healthy and happy mother! Because of her relationship with God, I too found my way back to Him! Watching my mom worship with my children is priceless! Thank you Hope House for all you have done for my family!

Des B – CC Texas


I was one my way to tell her our marriage was over! Then, she told me she had found Hope House. The love, structure and discipline there was exactly what she needed. They taught her self worth and who God says that she is. When she came out she was like a different person. Our family has now been fully restored and my wife is going on 3 years sober. She now helps other women who are coming out of addiction, helping them see that they to can be set free! Thank you God for Hope House!

Kevin S. – Paige TX


My mother had lost her way when my brothers and I were young. For more years than I can remember, she just wasn’t there mentally or emotionally. We knew that she was struggling and needed help, then one day – she found Hope House. After her stay at Hope House, her life has radically changed. The things that seemed to be lost forever have been restored. Our relationship now is grounded in our faith and love for God. We have never been closer than we are right now. Thank you Hope House for seeing my mother as the beautiful person she really is and helping her find her way back to God and her family!

IB – Austin Texas


I came to Hope House feeling completely broken and hopeless. I was drowning in fear, lies and regret. I actually believed I didn’t deserve to be loved because of the choices I had made in life. Hope House helped me to fully understand God’s love while learning my true identity in Christ. I am no longer controlled by my past and God’s love is everything I need to live for today.

E Barrera formally of McAllen Texas


Hope House has forever changed my life forever. It’s so much more than a recovery home. The moment I stepped through the door I immediately felt loved. My life has changed forever and I never thought in a million years I would be able to get to where I am today! I thank God every day for Hope House!

Ashley H.


The first time I walked in the door God touched me and assured me just surviving was a thing of the past. From a past of every kind of abuse you can think of, I was now in the arms of God and my future was in His hands. I now love my life and everything I once considered lost have now been restored. Thank you God for leading me to Hope House!

Tina S. formally of South Carolina


Hope House saved my life! After 25 years of drug addiction, I found Hope House. Hope House has taught me that I no longer have to live in fear or condemnation. That Jesus paid my sin debt and has forgiven me for every bad choice I’ve ever made. I’ve never experienced this kind of unconditional love and I am forever grateful.

D.K. J. Lockhart, Texas


Hope House is where I first found the love of Jesus! I had known God my whole life but had never realized the power that the love of Jesus could have on my life. When I felt like giving up, my Hope House family reminded me who I was in Christ and that through Him I could overcome anything from my past. My life has radically changed and today I stand free from addiction and destructive behavior! Hallelujah!

Mari E.


I was a heroin addict for 10 years, but when Jesus came into my life in prison, He made me a new creation. I was sober but had no idea how to live life. When I was released out of prison I went straight to Hope House and found a family that taught me how to walk out my newfound freedom. They walked beside me as I learned how to deal with the good, bad and the ugly. I thank God every day for bringing me to Hope House. I have been to MANY rehabs and there is no place like Hope House!

Tondra D. - TEXAS


When I came into Hope House I was scared, nervous and completely broken. My children had been taken away because of my choices to throw everything away just to get high. God has radically restored my life since coming into Hope House. I now have an incredible church family and support system like never before - not to mention the great job and most importantly being a mom again. Thank you God for restoring what was lost!

Robin W. formally of Burnet County


The testimonies above are just a few of the many lives that God has touched here at Hope House. We praise God for leading every resident to our doorsteps. It is our prayer that family, friends and the whosoevers will see that people can come out of addiction and that change comes with a genuine relationship with Jesus. I can honestly say that the last nineteen years of sobriety in my life would not be possible without Jesus. For me, He really is “the Way, the Truth and the Life”! We at Hope House understand the power of our testimony. A life bound with addiction has a negative and destructive effect on the family. Families are destroyed everyday because of drug and or alcohol abuse. A life set free and redeemed has a powerful effect, unexplainable and unbelievable to most people; especially those who have been drug through the mud over and over. We also know that the power of God is available to all who believe and put their trust and faith in Him. I tell our potential residents all the time, this will be the best year of your life! Why, because it’s the year where you learn who God says you are, not whom people say that you are. No steps or medication can even come close to the love that God shares through His Holy Spirit, His Word and His people. God is the One who changes the surrendered; we just get to be a part of the miraculous wonder. To God be all the glory!

Billy Helm - Hope House

If you or anyone you know is interested in joining our program, please fill out our application or contact us at [email protected].